Boomer Eco Crusader!

Image by Christy Mesker from Pixabay

Today we are experiencing unseasonably cool and windy weather in the Greater Boston area.

I sit on my back porch (wearing a winter coat for warmth) and listen to the cardinals, robins and mockingbirds who are all taking turns singing from the tops of nearby trees, roofs, and utility poles…

I also savor the marigolds, basil, kale, cilantro, and sunflowers sprouting in pots around me.

Sprouting seeds and growing plants fill my heart with hope.

Image by MetsikGarden from Pixabay

It is such a weird and wonderful thing that a tiny speck of a seed can transform into a seedling!

To me it feels very similar to the mysterious miracle of how a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly…

Deep breath in.

Deep breath out.

I am deeply honored to learn that last Friday Michelle at Boomer Eco Crusader published an entire blog post featuring my song “We’re Running A Big Experiment.”

I have been reading her blog for a couple of years.

I always find inspiration about ways to improve my life right now — as well as ways to improve the future lives of our children, grandchildren, and all the other beings who will inherit the fossil-fuel-driven messes that we are leaving as our legacy here on planet earth.

If you are not already following her blog, I heartily recommend you check it out by clicking here.

THANK YOU to Michelle and to everyone else who has been listening to — and sharing! — this song after it was officially distributed to various digital platforms earlier this month.

Image by Peggychoucair from Pixabay

I am aware that music can at times be considered somewhat trivial/pointless/insignificant.

But at other times, it can be a vital glue that brings us together and inspires us.

If you are curious to listen to “We’re Running A Big Experiment” directly, you can click here for links to various digital music platforms (such as YouTube, Pandora, Spotify, Apple Music, etc.)

And if you resonate with it — please feel free to share it with other kindred spirits.

Image by tookapic from Pixabay 

Thank you to Doug Hammer for playing the piano on this song and also recording, engineering, mixing, and mastering it with me.

Thank you to Stephen Fischer and his graphic design students who helped to create the artwork for this song.

Thank you to the photographers at Pixabay for their wonderful images.

And Happy Juneteenth to any/all readers in the USA!!!

Image by janeb13 from Pixabay 

34 thoughts on “Boomer Eco Crusader!

  1. Well…We will see. It is my new learning that this Mother Earth has been “recycled sever times and may be in for another one some day. But it is all in God’s hands and His will …will be done.

    • You are VERY welcome, Michelle! Thank YOU for liking and helping to spread the news about my song. I, too, LOVE cardinals. We have a very talkative pair who live very near our backyard and chirp + sing all day long…

    • Thank you, Carol! I’ve been sending it to various environmental groups in hopes that someone will be inspired to share it with their constituency of supporters… And the cardinals in our neighborhood uplift my spirts each and every day. This morning I woke up super early and was awake to see a male cardinal hopping around my bike and the railings on our front porch!

  2. Your song says it all, Will. Well done! With so much of humanity carrying on with their lives as usual, I’ve come to accept that societal collapse is inevitable. Breathe in. Breathe out.

    • Thanks for reading and listening and responding, Rosaliene. I, too, am becoming more willing to accept that societal collapse is inevitable. this perspective certainly heightens my gratitude for every day when I still have clean running water, food, a roof over my head, a functioning electrical grid, etc. etc. etc. I more and more wonder if the utterly insane things that we human beings continue to do and believe and fight about are simply mother earth acting to rid herself of us… Breath in. Breath out.

    • Thank you, Dee Min! Recently I’ve been focusing my creative energy in different directions, but I hope to craft a few more blog posts in upcoming months…

    • You are very welcome, Brad! I know you also care deeply about the astoundingly interconnected — and often quite beautiful — webs of life here on planet earth. Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

  3. Love your song, Will and Doug. Love your picture of the Cardinal too. Thank you for the pathway to Michelle’s blog. Much ❤ flowing to you, always. ❤ xXx

  4. Honestly, music is never, ever insignificant or trivial or pointless. Just the opposite (as you know 😀)! Fabulous post, Will. And congratulations- well deserved!

    • Thank you, Jennie! Yes, your blog posts demonstrate how powerful — and at times even magical — music can be. It is very challenging to inspire and then enact a paradigm shift (away from our 400+ year patterns/habits of consumption, colonization, industrialization, no-holds-barred capitalism, etc.) But maybe we can do it… and maybe music can help!

      • I like your train of thought, Will. We can certainly do it, and if we bring music into the lives of children, it ‘sticks’ with them…and they are our future to make positive changes.

    • Thanks!!! I have been sending digital links for the song to all of the environmental groups which sent me endless emails asking for financial support. Maybe it will help awaken a new consciousness in some tiny way…

  5. I just finished listening to your beautiful song on You Tube. It is very well done and the harmony is wonderful. I am posting it on my Facebook page for my friends to listen to as well.

    • THANK YOU, Dwight!!! I saw a segment on CBS Sunday Morning yesterday in which a scientist cries because he is so frustrated and sad that not enough human beings are taking climate change seriously enough. He says in 20 years we will look back longingly on the summer of 2022 (because what is coming will be much worse…) Deep breath in. Deep breath out. ps: I am WIlliam D McMillan on Facebook and would be happy to become FB friends.

      • You are most welcome, Will. This has been one hot summer. If it keeps on, the whole country will turn into Phoenix! Keep up the good work making beautiful music. (don’t know what happened to the first comment I wrote?) If this is a duplicate, just delete one.

  6. I am late to the party on this one. I am SURE you have left coats in the dust as we get through the hot summer! Stay cool, Will, and thank you as always for the lovely music!

    • Thanks for re-visiting my site and making time to listen to this song! I haven’t been posting much but I am guessing that may change as the weather here in New England gets colder, and I find myself spending more time inside…

  7. Keep singing, Will! It is wonderful. What I do not get is that music can EVER be considered somewhat trivial/pointless/insignificant. No – though I accept that it doesn’t sing to some as it does to others. Personally, I really don’t know where I’d be without music. Lost in a very dark place.

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