Help Is On The Way

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay 

“Don’t give up the ship — even when you feel it sinking and you don’t know what to do…” writes David Friedman in his great song, “Help Is On The Way.”

I found myself thinking about this song when I heard Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer say “Help is on the way!” on TV after helping to pass the American Rescue Plan.

Although I have not been able to confirm this from searching the internet, I think David Friedman created this song during a previous plague — HIV/AIDS.

I wrote about David in a post three years ago which you can read if you are curious by clicking here.

Image by Plz from Pixabay

Some were willing and able to ignore the threat of HIV/AIDS when it appeared — as some are still attempting to do with COVID-19.

However, HIV/AIDS left a vast trail of shock and grief for many human beings — as COVID-19 is now doing…

Deep breath in.

Deep breath out.

I thought of this song again when I was listening to yet another medical expert pleading with us to continue to wear masks, wash our hands, and practice physical dustancing.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

“We have the football on the five-yard line,” he said, “and we’ve got to hang in there so that we don’t lose possession of the ball when we are so close to making a touchdown and winning the game.”

His football metaphor was inspired by the fact that many states in the USA are currently relaxing health measures even as new — more communicable and possibly more lethal —varieties of the COVID-19 virus are spreading exponentially around the country.

Apparently we are now in a contest to see if we can vaccinate enough people before we are overtaken by yet another tidal wave of infections due in part to these new genetic variations and in part to us human beings letting down our guard.

Another deep breath in.

And deep breath out.

Image by Miroslava Chrienova from Pixabay

My heart goes out in particular to the health care workers who — amazingly — continue to care for people infected with Covid whether the infected people had chosen to take Covid seriously in the first place or not…

I’m not a healthcare worker or someone with a job that requires interaction with the public or a senior citizen.

So I’m wearing a mask when I go outside for my daily walks and waiting patiently — as I know many of us are — until I become eligible to get vaccinated.

Singer Bobbi Carrey, pianist Doug Hammer and I recorded this song many years ago as part of a musical program called IN GOOD COMPANY which explored working and business and capitalism using songs and stories.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

I consider it to be a quintessential “helps me get out of bed in the morning” song.

And I’ve been needing these sorts of songs in recent weeks — because I’ve been feeling rather crabby.

Maybe it’s the rising spring energy of the northern hemisphere as we struggle — like bulbs — to push our way through the thawing soil towards the sun.

Maybe it’s the fact that a pandemic which we all thought might last a month or two has now stretched past the one year mark…

Maybe it’s an at-times-overwhelming sense of empathy for all of the folks who have already died due to Covid-19 — AND for their grieving family + friends.

Maybe it’s a sense of frustration that we human beings seem to have done an extremely poor job of teaching one another about the formidable power of exponential growth.

One doubles and becomes two.

Two doubles and becomes four.

Four doubles and becomes eight.

Eight doubles and becomes sixteen.

Sixteen doubles and becomes thirty-two.

Thirty-two doubles and becomes sixty-four.

Sixty-four doubles and becomes one hundred-and-twenty eight.

And sooner than one might think possible, the total rises into the thousands, then millions, then billions…

Understanding exponential growth deepens one’s respect/humility/awe/terror for how a virus left un-checked spreads exponentially through a host population — and thus has vastly more opportunities to mutate into new varieties as a result…

This is why we need to be distributing COVID-19 vaccines to every country in the world — even countries such as Tanzania, led by a Covid-denying leader who recently died after an 18-day period of ill health…officially attributed to a heart condition and unofficially speculated to have been Covid-related.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Clearly it is a huge challenge to change anyone’s mind when they have very strong convictions about a particular topic.

Here in the USA the Covid-related death of a newly elected, incoming, 41-year-old congressman from Louisiana — Luke Letlow — has done little to change the mindset and behavior of some of his Republican colleagues regarding the severity of the risk of Covid infection.

Yet another deep breath in.

And deep breath out.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

I don’t entirely believe the message of this song — although I WANT to believe it because it gives me hope.

My favorite line is probably “from friends we may not have met yet.”

I feel that way about some of my fellow bloggers, and also about some of the photographers on Pixabay.

Now that I have started including their names underneath their beautiful photographs, I have begun noticing that certain photographers have taken a LOT of the photos I’ve used in past blog posts.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

David Mark is one of them.

Many of the images in this blog post were taken by him.

And he has thousands more at Pixabay.

I will end this blog post with several more of his lovely images.

Thank you to David Friedman for his wonderful songs and to Forbes Magazine for this great interview with him.

Thank you to Doug Hammer and to Bobbi Carrey for their heartful musicianship.

Thank you to all the “friends we may not have met yet” — who are growing our food, developing new vaccines, taking care of us in hospitals, working in grocery stores, delivering packages, etc. etc. etc.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Thank you to Pixabay and all of the photographers who generously share their images there — and allow me to travel far and wide around this extraordinary planet earth without leaving my living room.

Thank you to the cardinals who have been singing and singing and singing in my neighborhood in recent days.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Thank you for the return of spring here in New England.

And thank YOU for reading and listening to another one of my blog posts.

I’ve re-designed my website in recent months to include a LOT more music — and you are always welcome to visit there.

You can also find me on Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music and other digital music platforms.

One more deep breath in.

And deep breath out.

“Help is on the way…”

57 thoughts on “Help Is On The Way

  1. This is a beautiful song and performance Will. I’m sorry you’re still in the grip of fear of the virus. I trust my body and immune system. Regardless of our differing views, I honor and appreciate you. hugs

  2. Will, Thank you for introducing me to this song, most certainly music to get me out of bed. And thank you also for your impassioned reminder that, while help is on the way, we can only cooperate: mask up, scrub up, spread out! Keep blogging, such welcome information and music.Jeanne C.

    • Hi, Jeanne! I led a MT class outside this morning with sun overhead and birds singing all around our well-masked and physically distant selves. Always lovely to be reminded of you and Conrad. Hurrah for music!

  3. A beautiful uplifting song, well-performed…I understand your fears of relaxing too soon we still take sensible precautions even though we have no active cases here…Take care, Will and have a great week 🙂

    • Hurrah for living in a country with no active cases! Spring has finally arrived (lots of yellow crocus in the front yard) here in the Boston area. May YOU have a great week, too (full of delicious things to eat and then blog about!)

      • I love spring and although we have lots of beautiful colourful flowers here I miss the first daffodils and the bluebells.. As do I Will finding new and different fruits and veggies is a passion I search the food markets like some search the malls… Lol.. We are not complacent here Will as there are areas where there have been some cases(people) who entered the country. . Thankfully it has been contained and hasn’t spread to other provinces Please take care and stay safe x

  4. Thanks for this post, Will. Both the song, which reassures and uplifts, and the article, which is so thoughtful and discerning. Each of your ‘maybes’ is bang on. And I’m sorry there are COVID-denying idiots in the world. They may not ‘pull the trigger’ but they murder others through their lies and obstinacy, even when confronted with the facts.
    The denial is not just in the US, the UK and Tanzania. Here in Canada, conservatives just voted to deny that climate change is real.

    • I truly appreciate your reply, Cynthia. I am astounded that the inexorable scientific truths underlying climate change continue to be debated/denied – but then again, big oil companies have spent billions of dollars spreading beautifully crafted misinformation campaigns, sponsoring beloved TV programs on our public broadcasting system, and lobbying/financing/buying out politicians for the past 50+ years. And it turns out to be very emotionally humbling/challenging/difficult to admit that one is wrong! The changes that need to be made in the lives of people like us living in developed (ie profoundly/blithely/tragically greedy) nations are probably just as or MORE profound than the changes we have experienced so far due to COVID-19. But we have been raised in a cocoon of advertising which asserts it is our right and duty to consume, consume and consume some more… Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

      • And it is so easy to fall into the trap of consuming more and more. As for the misinformation – what a mess our societies are in, when lies are more believed than truth, and there is so much of it, so well-crafted, people actually don’t know which ones are the lies.

      • Yes. I have often thought — and occasionally voiced — how sad it is that many of the most creative human beings on planet earth end up working in advertising, and then devote so much of their g-d given creativity to influencing others (often by lying) to consume more So many gifted story-tellers, actors, musicians, graphic designers, and artists get sucked into advertising for the money…

  5. Beautiful post and song, Will. (I really enjoy the harmony in this one–help of another sort, yes?)
    So often, it takes so little to help, and yet it yields enormous benefits. I hate this “me first” and “America First” attitude that so many have.
    And yes, I am thankful to soon be getting my second vaccine–and loving the signs of spring!

  6. The song is beautifully uplifting Will. In the UK we’re also beginning to relax the restrictions – though in quite a measured way – and we’re doing well with numbers vaccinated. I just had my first vaccination on Friday, but it’s so true that we don’t want to ruin everything at the last hurdle.

    • Hurrah that you are becoming vaccinated! Yes. Let’s vault the last hurdle without falling back flat on our collective faces! And then let’s turn our collective focus to all the changes we need to make in our lives to respond to climate change..

  7. This is a beautiful post, Will. I love the duet. Your voices blend together like soft butter!
    Help is on the way… We just got our second shots yesterday. The nurse who injected us said she had been doing this all days since 6:60 AM!! This was at 4:30 PM! Thank you for your informative post.

  8. Beautiful song, beautiful voices, Will. Thank you for sharing it and also for your thoughts here. I do believe that help is always on the way. We keep each other going! Happy spring! ❤

  9. Such a beautiful post, full of hope and inspiration, music, gorgeous photos, and friendship. Thank you, Will! Reading your posts is akin to the sunrise each morning. Thank you!

    • You are very welcome, Jennie. What a beautiful image/metaphor (a sunrise!) for my blog posts. An idea arose today for my next blog post — inspired in part by Easter and re-birth (which is related in my mind to the metaphor of sunrise…) I better get to work!

    • Thank you!!!! Bobbi has also been doing work with Doug on some of our un-mixed duets… so I may be able to share more B+W+D gems in upcoming months. I hope you are able to savor the sun today!!!

  10. A beautiful and uplifting song indeed, Will; I love it! Wonderful arrangement – the harmonies are lovely. I apologise for the lateness of my visit to your post which speaks so much TRUTH! We must still take care, even with the vaccine roll-out and the warmer weather approaching. It is kindness and love towards our fellow human-beings that matters and trying to protect others is the best thing we can do. I hope you are having an enjoyable weekend ❤

    • Thank you for your warm and enthusiastic feedback, Clare. I have loved this song ever since I first heard it. I especially like the bridge section: “So open our hearts, open our minds, no matter how we’ve tried and failed, tomorrow we may turn and find that…help is on the way, etc.” Denial is a very powerful force in our human psyches. Also it’s very, very hard for some of us to admit we might have been wrong about something — especially something which led to so many people dying. I just read an article about a 20-year employee at Fox News (I think he may have helped book their on-air guests?) who recently died from Covid-19. Will this inspire anyone there to change their tune? Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

      • Oh Will! I cannot understand how anyone now, after such a terrible year, can deny that there is a pandemic that has killed millions of people and that we must ALL be responsible for making sure that the virus stops spreading. That poor young man!

      • Yes. Folks who die surrounded by Covid-deniers or Covid-minimizers are somehow a particularly poignant loss. Just to clarify, however, I believe this man was in his 40s or 50s. But he had worked at Fox News for twenty years…

  11. What a beautiful song to spread good vibes out there in the world! I agree that we should be helping to get the vaccines out to other countries less able to do so. We have a long road yet ahead of us. All good thoughts.

    • Thank you for finding time to listen. Yes! As Michigan (here in the US) and other countries around the globe such as India and Brazil remind us, “we have a long road yet ahead of us.” I DO hope that our media will continue to remind/educate us about the different ways (some very respectful of the scientific process and some very driven by ego/political concerns) that individual countries have responded to the challenge of COVID… and the different outcomes that have resulted. My sense is that COVID is simply a precursor/springboard for the much more significant challenges of climate change…

  12. Will, I just dropped by your site this morning to check in on what was new and took a listen to Lord of Dance, The Way You Look, and Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. They blew me away. The freedom, experimental creativity, and synchronicity between you and Doug felt like a wind storm that woke up my ears. All of a sudden I’m hearing things differently. Thank you! Lord of the Dance is powerful, too.

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